Janet Sawyers
Once again a quality wool duvet. Just bought a winter one and it is so warm it? great. No need for any other cover. I definitely won? be using any other duvets. Natural wool is the only way to go.
Adriana Gheorghiu
The duvet is doing its job: warm, cosy, and it smells natural. Thank you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Rachel Bushell
My BAAVET wool duvet is too cosy, too comforting too snugly.......I feel the need to sit under it and read books, climb under it to take phone calls, any excuse and I'm under it, I feel it calling me early in the evening, and if we had a TV in the bedroom I would be there.
The quality of sleep I get is fantastic,
The smell! when my duvet first arrived my bedroom smelt rather like the lambing pens! It has been in the garden for an air in the sunshine which has reduced the smell of sheep which has reduced the smell. I'm told by a friend who knows that it's normal. So in essence I LOVE my BAAVET.
Debra George
This duvet is brilliant! It has so far kept my husband and I warm and toasty and because (I am assuming it is because) the wool breathes, the sheets stay fresher for much longer and one feels like one is getting into fresh bedding every night. I will be buying a summer weight one when the seasons change. As it's winter weight it is heavy and totally unlike what one thinks of a duvet, but we really like to feel as though we have something covering us; it's much more cosy. I also personally like the rustle as it moves too.
Mrs Anon
You sold me a superking winter weight baavet when we were singing with rock choir at the Manchester show and I promised I? let you know how I got on.

In short, I absolutely love it!
Night one I dispensed with four blankets. Result: slept fine.
Night two, I also put my hot water bottle out of reach ?still slept fine without it.
Night three, I dispensed with my vest from under my thermal PJs (yes I? the one who gets cold!) ?still slept fine with my new wool duvet.
Night four, no pj bottoms ?OMG still slept fine, legs warmed up beautifully.
Night five I went bonkers and slept naked as if I were holidaying in the Bahamas, and unbelievably STILL slept.

So the upshot is, I love it and suspect I? sleeping more soundly now I? not waking up feeling cold so much. I?e gone back to pj? but no blankets or hot water bottle so I? delighted.

I? part of an online group or two full of people round the world with M.E. who get cold at night so when I get to it, I?l make mention of your wonderful baavets and hope the orders come piling in!
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